  1. Row Your Boat

From the recording PLAYING THE GHOST

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Family tree is shrinking,
Losing its leaves.
Night watchman's winking
While angels grieve.

You touch others' lives,
And they touch yours.
None of it survives;
Nothing endures.

You can't row your boat
Gently down that stream.
Life is not a joke;
Life is not a dream.

The fingerprints fade;
Friends disappear
Last song being played
Falls on deaf ears

Many friends die first
Some die later.
Got a lifetime thirst;
Death's your waiter.

You can't row your boat
Gently down that stream.
Life is not a joke;
Life is not a dream.

Work hard every day;
Show they need you.
Can't tell by your pay;
You hope it's true.

The day that you die
Won't mean a lot.
Some new gal or guy
Will take your spot.

You can't row your boat
Gently down that stream.
Life is not a joke;
Life is not a dream.

Your name on buildings
And monuments --
None of this will bring
Any permanence.

Fame had a head start
When you chased it.
When you made your mark,
Time erased it.

You can't row your boat
Gently down that stream.
Life is not a joke;
Life is not a dream.

There will come a day
When your name's gone.
Time breeds decay --
Nothing lives on.

Copyright © 2011 Lex Zaleta