  1. Day By Day

From the recording SAY SOMETHING IN POETRY

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You cleanse your soul of iniquity,
You wash your hands every day.
You somehow sense your security
Seems to stand in the way.
You battle those twin demons
Of self-love and self-doubt,
And sometimes that fight goes on
Until you knock yourself out.
And you’re taking it day by day,
And you’re faking it day by day,
But you’re making it day by day.

Another fruit fly felon
Has fallen at your feet,
While that wanna-be Magellan
Was mapping out your street.
And there’s no way of tellin’
Where all these circles meet,
But you need one more watermelon
To make this scene complete.
And you’re taking it day by day,
And you’re faking it day by day,
But you’re making it day by day.

You say you just hit forty,
And it hit you back so hard
That your ego has landed
In yesterday’s back yard.
Your dreams are growing dimmer,
As your sight begins to fade;
Your hair keeps getting thinner
Than all the plans you’ve made.
And you’re taking it day by day,
And you’re faking it day by day,
But you’re making it day by day.

Somewhere in your distant past,
There’s a voice that calls to you;
You run after it so fast
That your lungs are turning blue.
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel,
And another light from behind,
You know your flight through this funnel
Just might leave you blind.
And you’re taking it day by day,
And you’re faking it day by day,
But you’re making it day by day.

Copyright © 2000 Lex Zaleta